Tuesday night, past 10pm. After the opening act NNBS (Naive New Beaters) had finally left the stage and the equipment was interchanged, Miike Snow started their show. Dressed in white masks and black bomber jackets, a handful of guys entered the stage. Andrew Wyatt came last, easily recognisable, being the only long-haired in the band.
I watched and listened and kept thinking: who do these guys remind me of...La Roux? Maybe because of these catchy synth melodies. Underworld? Possibly through that same use of constant repetition in their tunes, compositions similar to those in techno tracks. Elton John? Yeah...they share this certain pop potential.
But then again, Miike Snow are completely different from the above mentioned. They are by far more underground than Elton John (not too difficult) and less electronic than Underworld. With regards to La Roux, well...I guess you wouldn't be off base to call Miike Snow the next La Roux.
That's not merely due to their musical proximity, but rather their habitus. Both bands function as zeitgeisty artworks. Their music is just a part of the big picture. Besides that, their performances, public appearances, websites, blogs, music videos, etc. play a similarly important role. In times of globalisation you find an unmeasurable amount of bands and bedroom producers at every web access in the world, and all of these guys want to be noticed. Some of them have realised (after analysing the Madonna phenomena) that an artistic synthesis is a must in our times. A musician has to be available everywhere and at any time, but also has to personify his/her uniqueness. Add a considerable amount of pop to this and it won't be too hard to become a No1 act. Miike Snow, you are almost there!
It is sad in a way, but at the same time it gives people like me the opportunity to discover new talents in the infinite pool of musicians. By the way: Miike Snow played one of the best shows since I went to see Animal Collective last year.
Miike Snow (German site)